First off, introductions! My name is Tyler Duty and I am an Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurse. Honestly though, nursing hasn’t really been my passion. I really enjoy helping people though, and I think that I may be able to help more of our population here, rather than in the hospital. I am an absolute freak about fitness and finance. They have always been my passions for as long as I can remember. After more thought and after educating myself more on these topics I believe I found the reason I became obsessed with these topics at a very young age. It is because I believe that there is a direct correlation between being well versed in these topics and also being successful. This has made me wonder. Why aren’t these topics taught in school? Instead school teaches you how to add the numbers, subtract, divide, multiply. What good are these actions if there is no intent behind them, or knowledge of how to effectively apply these functions to help you succeed. These specific skills are forgotten by our education system, whether intentionally or purposefully, are directly related to success, and the success of others. I know I dont know it all, and in fact I am sure there are many more painful lessons to learn in this life, however it is my hopes that I can teach some of the previously learned painful lessons to others. Many of these mistakes and painful lessons, could have been avoided and therefore instead of taking 4 steps back, could be considered progress. Many instances avoided has a compounding effect and can then exponentially help you achieve your own success. That is my goal in creating this website. I want each and every person to be able to achieve their own definition of success and suffer the minimal amount of setbacks possible and in doing this I hope to be able to help you become the most successful person possible.